Sunday 27 February 2011

It's amazing the weird things your family try to do to make you feel better...

Ever noticed that the only time when things get really random with family and friends is when really bad things have happened, and they want to help you not to feel bad all the time....

Fun times were had by buying crates of alkohol in bulk.... The only way to do it... and drinking it and consequently acting like fools.... 

One of the boys got a makeover at 4:30am 'cause we'd been up all night, and very bored and crazy... Later this picture ended up published on Facebook 'cause teens are cruel! 
check it out!!!

SOOO BAAADD!!!!! ahahaha!!! =D 
but funny... until.... a hissy fit followed for about 3hours.... then I felt really bad.... =( not funny...(until the morning!)

sadly people had to go home yesterday, and it has been just me, mum and my two brothers in the house. And my big bro leaves today... also very very sad..... I will have nothing to do but sulk, study and watch movies (all at the same time too....)

C <3

Friday 25 February 2011

I regret to make a public announcement

Recently things have been extremely difficult for me, and a sequence of events that kicked off last night has just made things almost impossible. 
It has been a really bumpy road, and I have learned things along the way, but never really felt PART of anything, and last nights events really verified what I knew already. It really hit home that I never did, and never would belong in that choir. It was all just bad timing though. 

Firstly I will not apologise for that which was not my fault. I was well within my rights having asked who said what  on that day that I was not there to defend myself. Speaking ill of someone behind their back is unnecessary cowardice, causing friction which is not needed in a team. It is also very immature. I simply do not feel in any position to cause myself unnecessary hurt and anxiety when people behave like this! It has also made things very difficult at home, and I don't see why such things should be affected by something that I loved, and saw as a future career. There are other places I could choose to sing, and to go through all of this in one night hardly seems worth it when I could just go elsewhere. 

To add fuel to a fire that did not need to be started, I found that my father was ill when I returned from choir practice and the drama that had kicked off there. In the time scale of just half an hour he took a turn for the worst and went into a brief cardiac arrest. He had been ill for a few days, but put off seeing a doctor for a week or so as we had family visiting. It was also his birthday. He didn't need this, and frankly, Neither did I!

I was then woken up by my mother this morning to notify me that I have been kicked out of the youth choir, just like that, instantly, for confronting people who slandered me behind my back last night. (Another bombshell...) Straight before two T.V appearances that would be desirable to anyone's conservatoire application. I was already being denied an opportunity for not being well liked enough to avoid slander and scorn of others. I did not see how this was fair, and quite plainly, as I write this, I still don't!

 "At least I give up music without wasting 10 years of my life studying for a career I will never be allowed the opportunity to fulfill....!" were the exact words I recall speaking down the phone that morning to an already vexed choir mistress. I am not denying that the way I spoke to her was over dramatic, rude, rather loud for the early morning, and perhaps this phone call should never have taken place. After all, the damage had already been done. This is not a whodunit film plot, and I was adding fuel to the inferno started last night. Regardless of what I had done or hadn't done, a decision had been made and finalized. No amount of talking to her was ever going to make things better. What happened is now in the past. Regardless of who did what to whom, I was already going to pay the penalty 50 times over, for a sequence of events that were not my fault and had escalated out of control.

I was originally aiming to use this blog to contact people, and to promote my singing. But give the circumstances and the shape things have taken, I don't see this as a viable option anymore.

I want to thank everyone who has supported me with my singing, and given me the confidence I needed  which has helped to shape me into the person that I am today. I am grateful to everyone who has given me a chance, invited me to concerts, parties, services etc. Also to the people at Llangollen international Eisteddfod for letting me sing on that amazing stage in front of those cameras (I know I started off really nervous, but I enjoyed it, I really did, Diolch yn fawr iawn!) it is also an honour to even be selected to sing there. I know this is starting to look like a speech from the Oscars, but I also need to say thank you to the music Dept at my school for being patient in teaching me, showing me theory skills (which I will someday learn to master), and to my singing teacher, who has been so kind and patient, and despite my negative outlook at first and my protesting "Miss, I can't do that" has trained and trained my instrument to make it sound the way it does, and gave me a sense of self belief, good breathing, good phrasing, correct resonance, a good range, more flexibility, operatic runs, arias I didn't even know existed and never dreamed of singing, correct German pronunciation in songs I have learnt, correct Italian pronunciation in songs I have learnt, correct French in songs I have learnt, Performance skills, use of the cheekbones (smiling, oh yes), Correct open sounding vowel sounds, as well as many many other skills I will never forget, and hope to at least pass on to others even IF I can't utilise them in the future. 

But, I would also like to say to all those people I have thanked, (and to everyone else too)
To all of you who have supported me, helped me, given me a chance, given me guidance, (Mum, Dad, you as well...) quite possibly the most important message of all 
I'm really sorry I let you down... 

I don't know what I need to look into as a career anymore, from the moment I chose my G.C.S.E options,I forced myself into a corner and took subjects that related to this career choice,  which I never imagined I would need to rethink.I felt I knew where I was going, I had the wind in my hair and the world at my feet and I simply felt that I had the talent, the help, the skills and the potential to achieve these wild ambitions....

Maybe I can still see it as a hobby, Singing and music can be recreational rather than vocational. I don't want to turn my back on everything that has been given to me, let anyone else down or turn down any opportunities to perform when I am invited to, and I loved Llangollen, maybe I will come back someday!

I just feel that the road I have been travelling has for some time now has been getting increasingly more and more narrow with every step I have taken in this direction. I'd like to walk in the grassy verges for a while rather than reach a dead end. 

I cannot emphasize enough that I make this decision with a very heavy heart. Lord knows that writing this is hard for me too. But I really hope that you will all understand why I have decided these things, and whilst it may be a lot to take in, or a lot to ask of someone to understand such a colossal change of heart in something I feel so strongly about, I sympathize, and hope that you will come to understand in the future. I am not turning my back on singing or on music. I just need a break to rethink things, to calm down, and recuperate. Quite plainly I have been tired! I have no supernatural powers that allow me to be untouchable, to feel no emotion, and to never need to sleep. This whole experience has been very draining for me as well as my family. I would like to say that I have learned a lot from being in the choir, that I have learnt from being part of a team, and learnt great leadership skills and improved my confidence. But whilst I may be many things, I am not a liar. I have merely learnt to understand at least one place I am not wanted, and have learnt that no matter how you try, if you are not wanted in a place, your efforts get you nowhere, you will simply be sabotaged, punished, and generally made to feel unwelcome. These are things that should never be associated with choral singing or with music. I also must labor the point across that I feel the way that I have been treated is incredibly unfair, and can only hope that the person who replaces me is not made to feel as I do right now. 

I feel that I am for once in my life, making the right choice....


C <3

Thursday 24 February 2011


Preparing the space for baking the cake...
with lots of Baileys..... and chocolate...... 


Whilst on my way home with stuff, and birthday card!

One gets a few odd looks from villagers who pass by and wonder why you are holding your phone strangely without looking at the screen and talking to yourself..... ;)


Daddy's birthday!

Woke up kinda late and had to try to catch up my mum, and dad and brother and little nephews to go shopping at 9:00 am.... honestly who does this? especially when there will be 6 people in a 5 person car...pffft.... 

I went to the local post office and bought a birthday card there.... only problem is, I got a little carried away when signing the card, and hope that the randomisity of my humour is well received rather than seen as ruining a perfectly good card... 

Saw A BUS!!! which is funny because in this secret location I wont state on cyberspace buses don't tend to run when you want them.... I also needed to purchase a specific ingredient to bake this cake for Dad's birthday. 

Monday 21 February 2011

When bored linguists are left alone with no one to talk to....

When bored linguists are in at home, with no people to talk to whilst chilling.... They revise... and when they are done revising? Well... You be the judge....

RANDOM!!!! <3   Crazy right...? I was talking about not knowing what to do with the rest of my evening, whilst not knowing what to do with the rest of my evening.... No internet..... 

( OMG I missed u!) XoXo

C <3

Without internet for several days....

I had a meltdown over the fact that we had no internet... No Skype, No Facebook, No YouTube, No point.... I was so incredibly BORED! Not to mention that the winter throat infection is back with vengeance.... and no amount of gargling TCP (which tastes like death in a bottle) resting the voice and eating forest honey can ward off... Must see the doctor today, or if not,ASAP. I WILL NOT BE ILL FOR THE CARDIFF CONCERT!

Dad's Birthday is in a few days too, so everything is crazy! We also have family visiting and I have 2 T.V appearances coming up what with choir competitions and other singing shenanigans....

A Christmas gift arrived yesterday! From Family we haven't seen in AGESSSSSSSSS....
Shocked much. Spa kit=AWESOME!

I can't be bothered to type EVERYTHING.... I do actually have a life.... hahaha =P (No really.... I do, =D)

C <3

Tuesday 8 February 2011


Postmodern collage. Depthless, fashion obsessed, bit random....

too much work over the past few days.... why must the teachers negotiate days when the work they have set is due, in order for all your subject tasks to fall on the same dates?! it's ridiculous.... is.....


upload a pic soon

Saturday 5 February 2011

Tonight tonight... won't just be anynight...

Invited to a show dinner to sing tonight, really excited, and getting prepared with my dress and the music that I am going to sing in front of roughly 100 people... The most excitement I will have for the weekend....

It's raining outside again.... and the ground looks too muddy and slippy to go hillwalking today....

Besides, the way the wind is blowing, I'd much rather stay warm, and watch "The girl with the dragon tattoo" and blog, and listen to stuff on


Yesternight, and rugby... grrrr

Was a fun night, watched Wales play England in the rugby.... Me and Dad ended up supporting different teams yet again.... Then England won....

Decided to lick my wounds and cheer myself up by tricking everyone into watching my birthday present HARRY POTTER 6! And all in the name of research, read a magazine and a diet book... I don't normally read or buy either unless I have money burning a hole in my pocket from some outing or something...

Wasn't very impressed with the content involved, but it contains lots of adverts that feed off women's insecurities, and that's always a nice thing to study and rant about. Purely cause it could go on FOREVER... Does give you time to enjoy though.

Birthday bash, and randomosity..

Well, I did what I wanted to do, which was buy dad a pint, had my passport ready, so I was all det to get carded, I didn't though.... Somehow he just knew... slightly gutted, I was hoping I'd get asked for I.D and the barman would say, "you don't look 18..." then put my passport on the bar and say "OHHHH... but I am... it's my birthday!"...hmmm.....

Ended up with all of us playing pool. It was a fun night... So it turns out that Mum is amazing at pool... slightly scary....Dad ended up getting thrashed...

Mum's colour was yellow, and Dad's was yeah... he got beaten pretty badly, but it was all in good sport... so it's cool...

Mum gave my brother a Pool lesson.... All about how to put the cue on your thumb and stuff like that

Thursday 3 February 2011

Today marks the day of a milestone....

I can't believe that I am actually 18 today, it's crazy. Even more crazy that my birthdays falls on a thursday which means having my hair pulled in choir practice, a supposed celebration in our choir, and 18 is generally thought to be an important birthday. So, a lot of attention I guess. Slightly awkward. I am writing thhis from school, so how it has not been blocked already is beyond me, (which is just as well, it's not like I can ping in to the site anyway, I normally need to ask my little brother to even set up my webcam or cubase software for me, cause i cant do any of that stuff....)

Anyway, I am going to have to once again think carefully about the answer when someone asks me what my age is... I have only just got the hang of it a few weeks before THIS birthday... (not really, thats an exaggeration but it did take a long time to resist saying I was 16, when I was actually 17)


I am slightly peeved that I have to go to a Drama lesson at lunchtime, I could have better things to do like eating... being with my friends... posting another pointless mesage on here... anything....although I can understand why people do this daily, its addictive... not yet as addictive as coffee or energy drinks or chocolate, but someday I am sure I can to the list of things I do to EXCESS... someday maybe... after  all its only been 24 hours and I have posted three random things on here already, none of which have any real cultural meaning or value...

But what does it matter? Its my 18th Birthday.. I am way too busy to actually do anything, but rock on!

Most of the things that most teenagers want to do, are legal at this age... But I have a minor issue, I still don't exactly LOOK my age.
I am the height of a 12 year old, and have a cute, heart shaped, baby face. Not unlike a child's doll. I have in the past, and this is no word of lie, found it difficult to purchase 15 certificate films without a parent present AFTER shop assistants have refused to serve me... "Why don't you have I.D?" I would reply "I am seventeen, I didn't think I would need I.D to buy a film for the age rating that my little brother is allowed to watch...." and then I would have to drag my mum to buy the film for me.... embarassing, not to say the least inconvienient. What if I had been alone? Obviously I couldn't buy it... So drinking with friends until I get my validate card done next week is a most definite NO GO... (I wouldn't take my passport, 'cause unlike most people my age, I do actually need mine quite a lot, and if I lost it, I'm too skint to buy a new one in time just yet. I'm in sixth form, i have no money...)

So in conclusion what does being 18 really mean to me?, not much, only the fact that the law ALLOWS me to do certain things whereas SOCIETY may not... Matters not, I have piece of mind that I am not doing anything hugely wrong in the event of rebellion. In the meantime I will wait for the arrival of a validate card, and my Amazon orders... =D (Love ya Daddy!, thanks for the loan of your credit card for my birthday prezzie)

Also I have a flight booked to Italy to see my boyfriend in Easter.... and an electric piano to aid me with music.... so in other words... it's the best birthday ever!

hugs <3

C  x

Wednesday 2 February 2011


Well, it turns out that the documentary was really educational, and some of the procedures that women undergo, all for the sake of Naomi Woolf's beauty myth are truly shocking, and made me feel quite ill...

It also made me feel like a bit of a nonce for complaining bout my physical faults, such as the fact that I am the height and size of an average 12 year old, and will never grow again most likely, people make fun of this, people who call themselves my "friends" when actually real beauty is on the inside, and apart from that, its all a matter of opinion. Overall this rubbish counts for nothing....

But I immediately felt better after a skype conversation with my boyfriend... (sorry lads, joke I'm not really genuinely apologising, just sarcastically stating a basic fact to rub it in!) 

Still feeling like i will have a few nightmares though, the cosmetic surgery bits were horrible... with a capital H.... USCH...! 

I don't actually want to eat my dinner anymore.... =( 

I don't think I will ever have cosmetic surgery, unless there is a REAL emergency.... 

I don't know if I can survive a vicious poiattolo attack (Sorry Matteo, but I am quite aware that you are breeding an army of them... ready for the countdown from 76 days)

I do think that my addictions to coffee, Facebook, and energy drinks has to be tackled...

Also, I know that I can't always trust what my Italian learning software says, when it tells you to match pictures up with a word, and it confuses HOUSE-CASA with KITCHEN-CUCINA..... 
Oh my.... *sigh*

I need to start writing some decent stuff... some poems, some music ANYTHING!

but first... I need to sleep..... =P


Well, the craziness of the whole situation finally sinks in! My first blog entry, not hugely unlike posting notes on facebook, but I guess a little bit more random.
I tried reading some other blogs before I set this one up, and I must admit that on some occaisons, I wished I hadn't.... =S

Nevermind! Moving on....

Generic blog material:

Depressing weather today in Wales where I was.... Not even proper rain ( you pussies, is that all you've got?!) Rather like being sprayed with a sprinkler that you either use in the greenhouse to care for tomatoes, or the sprinkler that you have on your lawn outside. Very strange, and rather annoying. Ate a ridiculous amount of food today... consisted of a bacon-morning,pot noodle and huge packet of crisps-late morning, mahoosive chicken pasty, and packet of bacon grills, and magic stars, (cute, I know, I just love the little faces on them let me tell you..) DAIM BAR! =D and then was greeted with a huge plate of spag bol the minute i walked through the door from school.... nice....

I blame this 24 hr relapse of my new years resolution healthy eating plan entirely on the fact that yesterday we were kept inside and forced to spend the entire day on drama coursework...
So I spent the most of the day caffeine fuelled (a professional cafe style coffee maker I discovered over the bank holiday period has made me coffee addicted) on red bull, chocolate, euroshopper energy drink ( and I don't even know whats it them, but it works, so I don't care). I was buzzing all afternoon, but that said nothing for my  lack of enthusiasm of the situation. Then I went home, quietly simmering away...grrrrr.... to lay down a gorgeous track by Adele as an audio file to put onto Did this late in the evening... after  a large dose of perculated,cappucino topped coffee, from my machine. =D

Due to these random occurances, I have been caused to burn energy from food a lot quicker than normal, so my theory is... I needed to eat more... these activities in quick succession of one another are draining... =P
I think a chilled out night, adding to my new blog, and watching a documentary or two seem to be on the cards.... The documentary about beauty addicts and disfigured people looks like it might be really enlightening for Communications and Culture studies coursework, and might have some moral lesson to it that might be beneficial too... =P

anyways, better knock this off before it becomes way tooo loooooooooong.... =D

Peace out! Xxx =D