Thursday 3 February 2011

Today marks the day of a milestone....

I can't believe that I am actually 18 today, it's crazy. Even more crazy that my birthdays falls on a thursday which means having my hair pulled in choir practice, a supposed celebration in our choir, and 18 is generally thought to be an important birthday. So, a lot of attention I guess. Slightly awkward. I am writing thhis from school, so how it has not been blocked already is beyond me, (which is just as well, it's not like I can ping in to the site anyway, I normally need to ask my little brother to even set up my webcam or cubase software for me, cause i cant do any of that stuff....)

Anyway, I am going to have to once again think carefully about the answer when someone asks me what my age is... I have only just got the hang of it a few weeks before THIS birthday... (not really, thats an exaggeration but it did take a long time to resist saying I was 16, when I was actually 17)


I am slightly peeved that I have to go to a Drama lesson at lunchtime, I could have better things to do like eating... being with my friends... posting another pointless mesage on here... anything....although I can understand why people do this daily, its addictive... not yet as addictive as coffee or energy drinks or chocolate, but someday I am sure I can to the list of things I do to EXCESS... someday maybe... after  all its only been 24 hours and I have posted three random things on here already, none of which have any real cultural meaning or value...

But what does it matter? Its my 18th Birthday.. I am way too busy to actually do anything, but rock on!

Most of the things that most teenagers want to do, are legal at this age... But I have a minor issue, I still don't exactly LOOK my age.
I am the height of a 12 year old, and have a cute, heart shaped, baby face. Not unlike a child's doll. I have in the past, and this is no word of lie, found it difficult to purchase 15 certificate films without a parent present AFTER shop assistants have refused to serve me... "Why don't you have I.D?" I would reply "I am seventeen, I didn't think I would need I.D to buy a film for the age rating that my little brother is allowed to watch...." and then I would have to drag my mum to buy the film for me.... embarassing, not to say the least inconvienient. What if I had been alone? Obviously I couldn't buy it... So drinking with friends until I get my validate card done next week is a most definite NO GO... (I wouldn't take my passport, 'cause unlike most people my age, I do actually need mine quite a lot, and if I lost it, I'm too skint to buy a new one in time just yet. I'm in sixth form, i have no money...)

So in conclusion what does being 18 really mean to me?, not much, only the fact that the law ALLOWS me to do certain things whereas SOCIETY may not... Matters not, I have piece of mind that I am not doing anything hugely wrong in the event of rebellion. In the meantime I will wait for the arrival of a validate card, and my Amazon orders... =D (Love ya Daddy!, thanks for the loan of your credit card for my birthday prezzie)

Also I have a flight booked to Italy to see my boyfriend in Easter.... and an electric piano to aid me with music.... so in other words... it's the best birthday ever!

hugs <3

C  x

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