Wednesday 2 February 2011


Well, it turns out that the documentary was really educational, and some of the procedures that women undergo, all for the sake of Naomi Woolf's beauty myth are truly shocking, and made me feel quite ill...

It also made me feel like a bit of a nonce for complaining bout my physical faults, such as the fact that I am the height and size of an average 12 year old, and will never grow again most likely, people make fun of this, people who call themselves my "friends" when actually real beauty is on the inside, and apart from that, its all a matter of opinion. Overall this rubbish counts for nothing....

But I immediately felt better after a skype conversation with my boyfriend... (sorry lads, joke I'm not really genuinely apologising, just sarcastically stating a basic fact to rub it in!) 

Still feeling like i will have a few nightmares though, the cosmetic surgery bits were horrible... with a capital H.... USCH...! 

I don't actually want to eat my dinner anymore.... =( 

I don't think I will ever have cosmetic surgery, unless there is a REAL emergency.... 

I don't know if I can survive a vicious poiattolo attack (Sorry Matteo, but I am quite aware that you are breeding an army of them... ready for the countdown from 76 days)

I do think that my addictions to coffee, Facebook, and energy drinks has to be tackled...

Also, I know that I can't always trust what my Italian learning software says, when it tells you to match pictures up with a word, and it confuses HOUSE-CASA with KITCHEN-CUCINA..... 
Oh my.... *sigh*

I need to start writing some decent stuff... some poems, some music ANYTHING!

but first... I need to sleep..... =P

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