Wednesday 2 February 2011


Well, the craziness of the whole situation finally sinks in! My first blog entry, not hugely unlike posting notes on facebook, but I guess a little bit more random.
I tried reading some other blogs before I set this one up, and I must admit that on some occaisons, I wished I hadn't.... =S

Nevermind! Moving on....

Generic blog material:

Depressing weather today in Wales where I was.... Not even proper rain ( you pussies, is that all you've got?!) Rather like being sprayed with a sprinkler that you either use in the greenhouse to care for tomatoes, or the sprinkler that you have on your lawn outside. Very strange, and rather annoying. Ate a ridiculous amount of food today... consisted of a bacon-morning,pot noodle and huge packet of crisps-late morning, mahoosive chicken pasty, and packet of bacon grills, and magic stars, (cute, I know, I just love the little faces on them let me tell you..) DAIM BAR! =D and then was greeted with a huge plate of spag bol the minute i walked through the door from school.... nice....

I blame this 24 hr relapse of my new years resolution healthy eating plan entirely on the fact that yesterday we were kept inside and forced to spend the entire day on drama coursework...
So I spent the most of the day caffeine fuelled (a professional cafe style coffee maker I discovered over the bank holiday period has made me coffee addicted) on red bull, chocolate, euroshopper energy drink ( and I don't even know whats it them, but it works, so I don't care). I was buzzing all afternoon, but that said nothing for my  lack of enthusiasm of the situation. Then I went home, quietly simmering away...grrrrr.... to lay down a gorgeous track by Adele as an audio file to put onto Did this late in the evening... after  a large dose of perculated,cappucino topped coffee, from my machine. =D

Due to these random occurances, I have been caused to burn energy from food a lot quicker than normal, so my theory is... I needed to eat more... these activities in quick succession of one another are draining... =P
I think a chilled out night, adding to my new blog, and watching a documentary or two seem to be on the cards.... The documentary about beauty addicts and disfigured people looks like it might be really enlightening for Communications and Culture studies coursework, and might have some moral lesson to it that might be beneficial too... =P

anyways, better knock this off before it becomes way tooo loooooooooong.... =D

Peace out! Xxx =D


  1. I love u!!!oh! unknown girl I want to meet u outside the cyberspace! I'm falling in love with u!!! can we chat?

    PS: ahahahah!

  2. funny... smooth teddy bear... real smooth.....=P

    I love you Xxx <3 =D
